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About Nicobar Pigeon (Click-Readmore)


Scientific name: Caloenas nicobarica
Higher classification: Caloenas
Family: Columbidae
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Columbiformes
Rank: Species
Conservation: Near Threatening


Spectacular ground-dwelling pigeon with long, extravagant plumes trailing down from the neck. Dark green intermixed with grey, blue, and bronzy orange, depending on the light. Tail is snow-white, but only readily visible when the bird is flushed. Generally shy, quiet, and difficult to see.


The Nicobar pigeon is found on small islands and in coastal regions from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, east through the Malay Archipelago, to the Solomons and Palau.


Nicobar pigeons are highly nomadic, commuting between islands. They fly to larger islands and the mainland during the day to feed in flocks of up to 85 birds. They are particularly active at dawn and dusk. They only roost and breed on islands where there are no humans. When they drink, they stick their bill in the water and do not have to tip their heads back to swallow like most birds.


Feed on pigeon pellets, paradise pellets, fruits, seeds, and insects


The breeding season from January to March, females make nests by loosely putting together twigs high up on evergreen trees, where they can safely lay eggs. One egg is produced in each clutch. Incubation is 30 days and is shared by both parents.